Anna Anthropy

I had the pleasure of filming Anna Anthropy at Dorkbot Chicago on April 5th.

Anna is an independent game developer and author of

    Rise of the Videogame Zinesters: How Freaks, Normals, Amateurs, Artists, Dreamers, Drop-outs, Queers, Housewives, and People Like You Are Taking Back an Art Form

She creates and champions game development that embodies personal experience, and takes back authorship for all of us. Her message is powerful. I encourage you to get a copy of the book, and head over to her site to play the games.

I also got a chance to sit down with Anna for a one-on-one interview. Afterwards, she did me the kindness of signing my copy of her book with a whimsical call to action:

When you’re done making your movie, remember to make a game too!

I wan’t to thank Jason Soliday of Enemy Sound; and Jake Eliot and Jon Cates of Dorkbot for accommodating my filming on such short notice.

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